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SEEM (Sustainability through Engagement, Empowerment & Mobilisation) is a sustainability consulting and regTech product company enabling leading FIs' and large corporates' longterm sustainability, their just & resilient NetZero Transition at the pace they must and enables corporates to avail and FIs to provide sustainable finance at scale, ultimately, through their entity-level systemic change extended to their supply chains. SEEM focuses on transition finance including climate and a large part through blended finance and on products and services in sectors like energy, cement, steel, aviation etc. and enabling capital, especially, private capital flow at scale & pace to where they are needed the most such as EMDEs.


The entity-level systemic change consists of standardised Movement centred on entities' purpose for their longterm sustainability. It also gives qualitative universal ESG metrics. The movement enables a series of projects/transactions for innovation and their rapid scale-ups further leveraging decision worthy data and creating outcomes (impacts or financed-impacts) towards the entities' purpose and their multi-stakeholder focus that also align with their SDGs (ultimately will be mapped to WBG Scorecard's Client Context Indicators). Through entities' aiming for their just & resilient NetZero transition at the pace they must and global standardisation assumed, these impacts or financed-impacts and entities' targeted relative focus across SDGs are translated into quantitative universal ESG metrics including comparable sustainability performance. All of these are deployed and disclosed through practitioner-led standardised (just & resilient) NetZero transition plans' deployment and disclosure versions with variations for leading FIs and large corporates. These plans and their standardised variations including the metrics are further extended to their supply chains who feed into their targets. Also standardised variation of the plan and the applicable metrics for the rest of the economy is possible. This economy wide (for a very large part) standardised deployment and disclosures and standardisation in impacts/financed-impacts will need policy support from G20.


Further to this, for innovation and rapid scale-ups it includes FIs measuring or having access to corporates' true creditworthiness considering those metrics alongside their financials and other aspects as well as quantify risk more accurately and at a discrete level through the regTech product CBD (Compliance by Design) for corporate and investment banks and its reusable features. Thus it creates a robust, authentic and transparent ESG asset class, solves greenwashing and SDGwashing too and ultimately helps corporates to avail and leading FIs to provide sustainable finance at-scale and let private capital flow at pace to where they are needed the most such as EMDEs.


SEEM also envisions a curriculum for universities and business schools on Longterm Sustainability of Entities - the foundation of the standardised transformation methodology CTM (Change through Movement).


Learn more about SEEM's products and services here 

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