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SEEM is a sustainability consulting and regTech product company - Sustainability through Engagement, Empowerment & Mobilisation. It enables rapid innovations and their scale-ups with multi-stakeholder focus in sustainable finance and in products and services in sectors like energy, cement, steel, aviation, industrialised food production etc. extended to their supply chains. Engagement is through Purpose, that shifts mindset and culture, makes them longterm focused and entrepreneurial. Empowerment is through training, coaching, design-thinking, enabling all resources, entities' ambition in terms of their targets for their fair share of direct or indirect climate goals and while doing so all other SDGs by 2030, decision-worthy data, digital transformation through the regTech product CBD(Compliance by Design) for corporate and investment banks that solves their challenges in complying with regulations, solves their core issues of data silo and has reusable features accessible to anyone, around credit and compliance risk quantification accurately and discretely at each transaction level and measuring or having access to corporates' true creditworthiness considering their universal ESG metrics with comparable sustainability performance, alongside financials and others, etc. And mobilisation is through a movement across the organisation centred on its purpose. This entity-level systemic change will help entities to become sustainable for the long term, achieve their fair share of direct or indirect climate goals and while doing so, all other SDGs by 2030 and ultimately help corporates to avail, and FIs to provide sustainable finance at scale and speed, including in EMDEs.


SEEM enables direct or indirect deployment & disclosure of standardised versions of just & resilient NetZero Transition plans, including their universal ESG metrics with comparable sustainability performance for entities across the financial and real economy, deploying full or part of standardised transformation methodology CTM centred on their purpose for their longterm sustainability and aiming for their fair share of direct or indirect climate goals and while doing so all other SDGs by 2030. It also brings digital transformation through the regTech product CBD for corporate and investment banks that makes them clean, robust, purposeful and sustainable for the longterm with its reusable features around corporates' true creditworthiness and quantification of credit and compliance risk accurately and discretely at each transaction level accessible to anyone.


This will also solve the problem of off-takes mainly seen is renewable energy and hard-to-abate sectors at scale and speed. All this will bring scale and speed in blended transition and climate finance, impact investing, etc. and as such the design of its universal ESG metrics with comparable sustainability performance will enable rapid innovation and scale in sustainable finance instruments across their types -  bonds, funds, indices etc. It will also solve greenwashing, SDG-washing and create an authentic, robust and transparent ESG asset class that will enable asset managers to finance MSMEs at scale and speed in EMDEs and anywhere else. All these will bring pace in the flow of private capital to EMDEs while entities’ achieving their fair share of direct or indirect climate goals and while doing so all other SDGs by 2030.


SEEM's products and services include practitioner-led standardised (just & resilient) NetZero transition plans' for leading FIs and large corporates also applicable to MEs. It includes qualitative and quantitative universal ESG metrics with their comparable sustainability performance. It deploys the standardised transformation methodology CTM (Change through Movement) centred on entities' purpose for their longterm sustainability and aiming for their just and resilient NetZero transition at the pace they must by achieving their fair share of direct or indirect climate goals and while doing so all other SDGs by 2030. Also has a simplified version as templates including Purpose discovery and applicable uni. ESG metrics for MSEs (micro and small enterprises). All these plans have deployment and disclosure versions. For comparability of entities’ sustainability-performance it has the vision to map these metrics at the highest level with WBG’s climate context indicators and deploy them across the financial and real-economy globally through a policy support from G20 and a business model that includes another entity and its franchises.


Further to this, SEEM brings digital transformation through the regTech application CBD for corporate & investment banks that make them clean, robust, purposeful & sustainable for the future with its reusable features around corporates' true creditworthiness and accurate and discrete quantification of credit and compliance risk accessible to anyone. It solves the bank's challenges in complying with regulations, solves their core issues of data silo, measures credit and compliance risk more accurately and discretely at each transaction level that can be rolled up to any level and to their balance sheet, measures corporates' true creditworthiness considering their universal ESG metrics with comparable sustainability performance alongside financials and others, makes the bank more agile in its responses to its own business requirements, creates a bank-wide MIS system etc. 


The standardised transformation methodology CTM consists of the movement centred on entities purpose for their longterm sustainability and projects/transactions for innovation and their rapid scale-ups. This Movement is standardised and measuring the quality of its deployment gives qualitative universal ESG metrics. The movement leads to a culture away from command and control and shifts mindset to focus on longterm over short term, initiates a series of projects/transactions for innovation and their rapid scale-ups that further leverages decision worthy data. It creates outcomes (impacts or financed-impacts) towards the entities' purpose through their multi-stakeholder focus also aligning with their SDGs while aiming for their just and resilient NetZero transition at the pace they must, achieving their fair share of direct or indirect climate goals and while doing so all other SDGs by 2030. The direct or indirect impacts or financed-impacts gives us the quantitative universal ESG metrics with their comparable sustainability performance. All these are deployed through the practitioner-led standardised NetZero Transition Plans for leading FIs and large corporates, also applicable to medium enterprises. It also has a simplified version as practitioner-led standardised NetZero Transition Plan templates including Purpose Discovery and applicable universal ESG metrics for small and micro enterprises. All these plans have deployment and disclosure versions. For the comparability of entities’ sustainability-performance SEEM has the vision to map these metrics at the highest level with WBG’s climate context indicators and deploy them across the financial and real-economy globally through a policy support from G20 and a business model that includes another entity and its franchises. 


In this methodology the large corporates at the top of their supply chains need to set their targets in alignment with their standardised sectoral pathways and extend their targets to their supply chains who need to feed into their targets. They will also need to declare their targeted relative focus across SDGs that must be commensurate with their ideal value by sector. In case of renewable energy companies, their targets for climate goals should come from their customers' who are buying their renewable energy. This will also solve the problem of off-takes by locking the demand and supply through the commitments through their disclosed standardised Just and Resilient netZero transition plans following the standardised transformation methodology CTM. In the case of leading FIs, they need to arrive at their targeted financed-IPs from their underlying corporates and assets' planned IPs in proportion to the investments planned for them (cascaded upwards) and arrive at their targeted relative focus across SDGs again from their planned financed-IPs, their ideal value of IPs per unit of the FIs turnover and the FIs' ideal relative focus across SDGs based on the standardised category it belongs to. 


SEEM's vision of the curriculum for universities and business schools on Entities' Longterm Sustainability is also based on the foundation of the standardised transformation methodology CTM (Change through Movement).

Learn more about SEEM's products and services here 

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