Seema brings thought leadership to entities' long-term sustainability. She defines that an entity becomes sustainable for the longterm when it contributes to the bigger ecosystem directly or indirectly through its multi-stakeholder focus. She extended this definition and developed an effective and comprehensible framework to enable entities' longterm sustainability (through standardised movement centred on their purpose); their just & resilient NetZero transition at the pace they must by achieving their fair share of direct or indirect climate goals and while doing so all other SDGs by 2030 (requires global standardisation), deployment & disclosure of practitioner-led standardised (just & resilient) NetZero transition plans including qualitative, and quantitative universal ESG metrics with their comparable sustainability performance (through deployment and disclosure versions) and contributes to ultimately enabling corporates to avail and leading FIs to provide sustainable finance at scale and let private capital flow at scale & pace to where they are needed the most such as EMDEs.
She has developed the standardised Transformation Methodology CTM (Change thru Movement) centred on entities’ Purpose and aiming for their Just & Resilient NetZero Transition at the pace they must (needs global standardisation) and has created the qualitative universal ESG metrics from the standardised Movement centred on entities' purpose for their longterm sustainability. The movement enables a series of projects/transactions for innovation and their rapid scale-ups further leveraging decision worthy data to achieve their required targets, creating outcomes (impacts or financed-impacts) towards the entities' purpose and their multi-stakeholder focus that also align with their SDGs (ultimately will be mapped to WBG Scorecard's Client Context Indicators). Through entities' aiming for their just & resilient NetZero transition at the pace they must (large corporates at the top of their supply chains setting targets in alignment with their sectoral pathways and extending it to their supply chains who feed into their targets and setting their targeted relative focus across SDGs commensurate with their ideal) and global standardisation assumed, she created the HL design concept of quantitative universal ESG Metrics including comparable sustainability performance from these impacts or financed-impacts and entities' targeted relative focus across SDGs . For the deployment of all these and required disclosures she created the practitioner-led standardised (just & resilient) NetZero transition plans' deployment and disclosure versions with variations for leading FIs and large corporates (also applicable to Medium Enterprises). These plans and their standardised variations as practitioner-led NZTP-Templates for part CTM for small & micro enterprises including Purpose Discovery and applicable universal ESG Metrics are further extended to their supply chains who feed into their targets. They are also extendable to the rest of the economy. This economy wide (for a very large part) standardised deployment and disclosures and standardisation in impacts/financed-impacts will need policy support from G20.
She had also envisioned the regTech product CBD(Compliance by Design) for corporate and investment banks developed & deployed based on the initial version of CTM centred on their Purpose & aiming for a clean, robust and sustainable bank for the longterm through innovation, culture shift & digital transformation that solves their challenges in complying with regulations and helps them contribute towards their purpose more powerfully. Besides measuring credit risk and compliance risk at a discrete transaction level (re-useable) and other functionalities, it has other re-usable features to measure or have access to corporates’ true creditworthiness considering entities' universal ESG metrics alongside financials and other aspects. This will also create an authentic, robust and transparent ESG asset class ultimately built from investments into such corporates. (She had also contributed to CBD through a standardised methodology for Data Science Projects deploying the use cases in CBD.)
Thus she contributes towards the entity-level systemic change combining all of these components into it, for leading FIs and large corporates extended to their supply chains and also extendable to the rest of the economy. Seema further envisions making this long-term sustainability of entities, the foundation of CTM, as a curriculum for b-schools and universities.
Seema is a servant leader and a strategic problem solver through a systems approach, a culture sense-maker and a process & data expert. In her prior career, she worked with Deutsche Bank, SITA, SGX, ING Bank (IBM), ATOS, TechM, TCS and Crompton Greaves for 18+ years, initially based out of Mumbai, & later out of Singapore from 2009-2014, where she lived and worked for SEEM till 2023 before looking to expand it's scope across Mumbai & Singapore. At the end of 2017, SEEM was born with a mission "to create an ecosystem that nurtures entities to thrive, grow and become sustainable for the future". She is the founder & CEO of SEEM, a sustainability consulting and regTech product company. She has also founded TREEBANK aiming to value each tree as a true asset to own. Seema holds a bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering from IIEST (aka Bengal Engineering College), Shibpur and has valued continuous education programs and research throughout her career. Outside of work, she loves nature, yoga and family time, which is now rare with her two university-going children.
Contact Seema to know more about her speaking.